Ant's Pseudoblog
I'm sorry to have to tell you but this page is a failed purpose! None of the links work and I'll have to take it down discreetly when I find time to do such a thing. Ant April 2017.
12th May 2014. I have started something that is a bit like a Blog.
I tried to do it through my Dropbox, but it works poorly (I meant to give a link to the directory all the files will be in, but this does not work except for me when I am logged in to the Internet version of my Dropbox - the files in the directory, so far two, will not open, but you have to download them).
Therefore I am placing the Dropbox links to the various items here. At the moment there are two items. When I add further ones, a notification will be sent to those who subscriber to my newsletter (at )
Ant's PseudoBlog A - Introduction
(I wanted a solution where the file would open when you clicked on the link - but the Higher Powers seem unwilling :-( You apparently have to download and open both the above. )
Ant's PseudoBlog Z (10th May 2014)
Later ones will be added here, if I do not find another way of handling it.